Hidajat Rahardjo
Senior Partner
Professional Experience
Hidajat Rahardjo is a Senior Partner of Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Retno, Palilingan & Rekan in Jakarta office. He graduated from the University of Indonesia and a Registered Public Accountant. He is a member of Indonesian Institute of Accountant and also a member of Indonesian Association of Certified Public Accountants.
He is an active member of the Indonesian Institute of Accountant and was a member of the Auditing Standard Committee Commencing his career since 1980 as an auditor with KPMG Hanadi Sudjendro & Rekan, and later on advancing into an audit partner in 1995 before joining PKF Hadiwinata in 1998.
He specializes in areas of accounting system reviews, general audit, financial due diligence, internal control reviews and initial public offering (go public), right issue, obligation issue of group company with industrial expertise in property & real estate, banking & financial institution, hospitality, tourism & travel, contractors, manufacturing, forestry & plantation, mining and timber.
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