Professional Experience
Handriono is a partner of Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Retno, Palilingan & Rekan from Surabaya branch office. He graduated from the University of Airlangga. Starting his career in the office of Mr. Arsono since 1991 as a Senior Auditor, Handriono has worked his way through the ranks, first as an Audit Supervisor, then as an Audit Manager, and as of August 2009 he has been made Partner.
He is a member of Indonesian Institute of Accountant (IAI) and Indonesian Institute of Public Accountant (IAPI). His professional certifications are Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Tax Consultant (BKP) and Tax Attorney.
His industry expertise covers the following areas: Tourism & Travel, Contractors, Manufacturing, Timber, Services, Trading, Hotel and Pension Fund.
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